What are the main clauses for the ISO 20000-1 Information Technology Service Management Systems?
Clause 4 - Understanding the context of the organization is essential before implementing your ISO compliance strategies.
Clause 5 - Delegation through relevant leadership is necessary for an effective IT service management company. Establishing a team of effective leaders is pivotal.
Clause 6 - Plan the actions according to priorities.
Clause 7 - Clause 7 focuses on supporting relevant resources. Technical and proper infrastructure for the workers is necessary to produce premium services for client satisfaction.
Clause 8 - Conducting effective operations to ensure that the needs of the target segment are met is critical to the success of the system. The main operations include - relationship & agreement, service design, implementation, & transition, service portfolio, supply & demand, and service assurance.
Clause 9 - Organizing performance evaluations from time to time is required to ensure the expected performance is being optimized.
Clause 10 - Continual improvement is the last clause that asks the management to continually review the system for timely modifications.